Everything You Need To Know About Dehydration During Pregnancy

Dehydration can be seriously problematic, especially when it comes to pregnancy. This is because, when a woman is pregnant, it is not that only the mommy-to-be needs more water than usual, but the developing fetus needs water too. Water plays a vital role in fetal growth and development and it indicates that staying hydrated all time is a must during pregnancy. Let Window to the Womb, the most recommended ultrasound baby scan clinic in Coventry discuss the causes, complications, and symptoms of dehydration through today’s blog. 

What causes dehydration during pregnancy? 

Dehydration is considered to be a result of your body losing water more frequently. As a result, your body needs to do more struggle to execute the normal functions. Eventually, if you do not replace the lost fluid with sufficient liquid intake, your body will be dehydrated. 

When the concern is all about pregnancy, getting dehydrated is often worrisome. Some common causes of dehydration during pregnancy include: 

Severe vomiting and nausea (often referred to as morning sickness)


Practicing vigorous physical exercise

Having a tendency to sweat excessively

Not drinking sufficient water and other healthy fluids

What are the possible complications of dehydration during pregnancy? 

Dehydration during pregnancy can often result in some serious complications, such as: 

Low amniotic fluid

Pre-mature labor

Birth defect of the child

Poor production of breast milk

Defects in neural tube

What are the major signs of dehydration during pregnancy? 

When a mommy-to-be becomes dehydrated, her body spontaneously exhibits some signs or symptoms that she needs to recognize as soon as possible. For better understanding, let us divide the signs into two parts- 

Signs of mild to moderate dehydration- 

Feeling thirsty every now and then

Sticky and dry mouth




Decreased urge for urination

Signs of severe dehydration- 

Dark yellow urine

Maternal overheating

Extremely dry mouth all over the day and night

Very little or even no urine

Low blood pressure

Rapid heartbeat and shortness of breathing

Dry skin lacking its elasticity

If you have been experiencing these signs or symptoms of dehydration, increase your water intake as much as you can. It is even better if you consult your doctor and visit an ultrasound baby scan clinic in Coventry to check if your amniotic fluid level is adequate or not since your amniotic fluid should be sufficient to make your pregnancy healthy overall. 


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